The Canadian Lutheran Posts

December 3, 2015

Canadian physicians face challenges to Freedom of Conscience

CANADA – Medical doctors across the country continue to face challenges to their freedom of conscience as a number of the provincial colleges which regulate medicine in Canada consider new regulations that would restrict physicians’ freedom on moral issues like abortion and euthanasia. The policies…

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November 26, 2015

LCC staff partner with CLWR and ELCIC to sponsor refugee family

UPDATE: We just found out they will be a family of four: a couple with two children. The paperwork to get the sponsorship moving has begun.  WINNIPEG – The national staff from Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC), along with Central District staff, are partnering together with the…

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November 24, 2015

Respecting life on Mars: The Martian in review

by Ted Giese Space exploration is dangerous, as Ridley Scott’s new sci-fi film The Martian illustrates. The movie tells the fictional story of astronaut Mark Watney, left for dead on the surface of Mars during an emergency evacuation of a NASA science mission. The stranded…

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November 23, 2015

Concordia Lutheran Seminary seeking faculty member

EDMONTON – Concordia Lutheran Seminary in Edmonton seeks to call a full-time faculty member specializing in the Old Testament. Candidates meriting serious consideration will be ordained pastors of Lutheran Church-Canada or one of its partner-churches who possess significant parish experience, an earned terminal degree (Th.D…

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November 19, 2015

Advent Devotions from LAMP now available

CANADA – LAMP (Lutheran Association of Missionaries and Pilots) has released their Advent devotional for 2015. “The Advent Season is the beginning of the church year and brings another chance to share our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ with the rest of the world as…

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November 19, 2015

Restructuring process moves forward; Stahlke appointed CCMS Consultant

WINNIPEG – Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) Commission on Constitutional Matters and Structure (CCMS) met November 16 and appointed Rev. Dr. Les Stahlke of Edmonton as its consultant for the restructuring process now unfolding in LCC. Dr. Stahlke, CEO of GovernanceMatters, has participated in similar ventures for…

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