The Canadian Lutheran Posts

November 3, 2015

LCC joins Catholics, Evangelicals, and other Canadian faith leaders in declaration on assisted suicide and euthanasia

CANADA – Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) has signed a joint declaration on assisted suicide and euthanasia along with the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB), member churches of the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC), and other Canadian faith leaders. LCC is an observer member of the…

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November 2, 2015

Synodical Convention Date Change

CANADA – Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) Board of Directors has announced that the date of the 2017 Synodical Convention will be changed from June to October 2017. A final date has not yet been chosen but LCC’s Board of Directors has affirmed that they are not…

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October 29, 2015

Martin Luther: Father of the Reformation

by Edward G. Kettner October 31, 2017 will mark the 500th anniversary of what is considered the beginning of the Protestant Reformation. On that date Martin Luther nailed 95 theses for debate concerning the issue of indulgences onto the door of the Castle Church in…

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October 28, 2015

French Reformation hymn contest

CANADA – Lutheran Church–Canada’s Comité francophone liturgique invites authors, translators, poets and musicians to submit a  hymn in French rooted in Martin Luther’s Small Catechism Baptism text for the 500th anniversary of the nailing of the 95 theses. The submissions may be an original text …

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October 26, 2015

A Reformation Moment: Making the Most of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation

by Mathew Block Sometime around the year 1450, Johannes Gutenberg invented the mechanical movable type printing press. And the world changed. Gutenberg’s press allowed book production on a scale never before seen in Europe. Before the printing press, books were produced slowly through the painstaking…

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October 23, 2015

Reforming Our Church

by Paul Schallhorn Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) is about to change.This year, LCC’s three districts meeting in convention called on Synod to restructure. In other words, they’re asking LCC to change the way it’s built. What exactly we look like in the end depends to a…

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