The Canadian Lutheran Posts
Beggars telling beggars where to find food
by Leonardo Neitzel The Missionary D.T. Niles once said that sharing the Gospel is really about one ‘beggar telling other beggars where to find food.’ Before coming to Christ as our Saviour, we are beggars, poor and condemned sinners, with no strength or power of…
The Story Continues
by Peggy Pedersen When we look at the Bible we see a story. It has heroes and sinners. It has births and battles. It depicts moments of triumph and despair. A man, Abram, is called out of Ur and becomes a family; and that family,…
LCMS President suffers house fire
USA – On Wednesday July 29, Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) President Matthew C. Harrison and his family suffered a severe house fire to their home in Ballwin, Missouri. “All thanks to God, though the damage was severe, no one was hurt,” a statement released on the…
Old, obsolete or worn out? – Terminator Genisys
by Ted Giese All the Terminator franchise films share basic elements. They are all sci-fi movies involving time travel. They all have good guys and bad guys who want to stop an event in time from happening. They are all movies about a robot apocalypse…
Sin and God’s Grace
by Don Schiemann As District President, this is probably the last devotional article I will write for The Canadian Lutheran. Our District will soon have its newly elected president to look to, as well the Interim Pastoral Leader to be appointed by Synod. I have…
CLTS President’s new commentary on Ephesians now available
ST. CATHARINES, Ontario – In June, Concordia Publishing House (CPH) released the 28th volume of its landmark Concordia Commentary series. This volume (on Ephesians) was written by Rev. Dr. Thomas Winger, President of Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary (CLTS) in St. Catharines, Ontario. Dr. Winger’s commentary unfolds…