The Canadian Lutheran Posts

April 2, 2015

Update on the ABC District Situation – April 2, 2015

NOTE: The following is a summary of information on the current situation taking place in the ABC District, and is derived from reports, court documents, and other communications. The Court hearing of the Alberta-British Columbia (ABC) District resumed on March 27. At that time, the…

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April 2, 2015

Giving thanks for Karen Lyons

EDMONTON – The Canadian Lutheran gives thanks for the faithful service of Karen Lyons, who recently completed her service as editor of the ABC District News. She served as editor for the section for nearly three years, from the July/August 2012 issue through January 2015….

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April 1, 2015

Immigration behind Francophone Lutheran growth in East District

QUEBEC – That immigration is a significant source of membership is hardly news for Lutheran churches in Canada. It is part and parcel of our history and in the early days accounted for nearly all our churches’ growth. Waves of Lutheran immigration are a thing…

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March 27, 2015

International Conference Address the Challenges of “Post-Christian” Society

GERMANY – Following an invitation from the Commission on Theology (CT) of the Independent Evangelical Lutheran Church in Germany (SELK), representatives of various commissions on theology from Lutheran churches in Europe and North America met in Oberursel, Germany March 4-5, 2015. This meeting served the…

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March 26, 2015

CLS to hold “Saturday @ the Sem”

EDMONTON – Concordia Lutheran Seminary will hold Saturday @ the Sem on April 11, beginning at 1:00 p.m.. “Who goes to seminary? What are the prerequisites? Is seminary right for me? How much financial aid can I expect? Am I too old? Have I been…

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March 25, 2015

Supreme Court ruling a victory for religious freedom

CANADA – A recent Supreme Court of Canada ruling is being hailed as a major achievement in the preservation of freedom of religion for Christians across the country. On March 19, the court ruled to allow Loyola High School in Montreal—a private Roman Catholic institution…

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