The Canadian Lutheran Posts
Take it to the Lord in prayer
by Thomas Prachar “I’m so far behind, I think I’m first.” My administrative assistant, Lil, muttered this phrase the other day in an attempt to describe how far behind she was when it comes to the work in our office. I started to list all…
Update on the ABC District situation – February 24, 2015
NOTE: The following is a summary of information on the current financial situation taking place in the ABC District, and is derived from media reports, official statements, and other communications. On February 20, the Alberta-British Columbia District and affiliated entities (collectively “the District Group”) were…
How God really speaks today
Editor’s Note: From time to time we run across other publications that reflect the high value we place on Scripture as God’s revelation. The following article is such a publication, highlighting the dangers of “just following your heart” when it comes to faith. by Phillip…
New church workers for Nicaragua
NICARAGUA – January 25 was a day of great celebration for the Iglesia Luterana Sínodo de Nicaragua (ILSN – Lutheran Church Synod of Nicaragua). That Sunday, eleven pastors were ordained and nine deaconesses were consecrated for service to the church. The new graduating class nearly…
Scout-Guide Week 2015
CANADA – We are currently in the middle of Scout-Guide Week in Canada, which runs February 15-22, 2015. Rev. Michael Diegel, who serves as the Lutheran Council in Canada’s representative to Scouts Canada and Girls Guide of Canada, has prepared a bulletin insert that Lutheran…
President Schiemann on ABC District situation
by Donald Schiemann My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, At some time or another everyone faces a major crisis in his or her life. It could be entirely of one’s own making; it could be entirely the result of another’s actions; it could be…