The Canadian Lutheran Posts

July 15, 2014

A special daily reminder

by Paul Zabel “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore; you are of more value than many…

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July 15, 2014

Missions in Nicaragua expanding

by James Morgan NICARAGUA – Word and Sacrament continue to reach the people of Nicaragua through Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) mission activity and partnership with the Iglesia Luterana Sonodo de Nicaragua (ILSN). In May, Vicar Erwind Tijerino was installed at the mission in Granada, near Managua,…

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July 11, 2014

Convention Essays Now Online

ONLINE – Lutheran Church–Canada is pleased to announce that the essays from the 2014 National Convention are now available for download. Rev. Kurt Reinhardt’s presentation—”As Dear Children Ask Their Dear Father”—focused on prayer. The two-part essay is available for download now as a pdf. Rev….

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July 9, 2014

Remembering the past

by Thomas Prachar Last summer, while I was driving north on Highway #9 just south of Stockholm, Saskatchewan, I passed by a marker at the side of the road. It intrigued me to the point that I turned the car around and headed back for…

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July 8, 2014

CUCA awards first honourary doctorate to former Edmonton mayor

EDMONTON – At convocation this past May, Concordia University College of Alberta (CUCA) in Edmonton presented its first honourary doctoral degree to Stephen Mandel, former mayor of Edmonton. “Mandel’s commitment to Edmonton and its residents accords fully with Concordia’s mandate and mission,” CUCA noted in…

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July 7, 2014

And that’s a fact

by Don Schiemann It’s hard to avoid being a statistic nowadays. One way or another, we are all counted. Statistically, some of us tend to be in a certain age bracket; we will have certain political persuasions; we will be in favour of or against…

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