The Canadian Lutheran Posts
Why does God listen to our prayers?
by Don Schiemann Come, my soul, with ev’ry care, Jesus loves to answer prayer; He Himself has bid thee pray, Therefore will not turn away (LSB 779:1). Every triennium Lutheran Church–Canada adopts a theme. The theme serves as a focus and an emphasis for our…
Statement on the Arrest of Richard Docekal
EDMONTON – On Friday, October 17 the Alberta Integrated Child Exploitation Unit announced that Rev. Richard Docekal had been arrested on charges of possession and distribution of child pornography. On the evening of September 8, President Don Schiemann of the Alberta-British Columbia District was informed…
CLWR hosts events on humanitarian work in the midst of conflict
CANADA – Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR) is hosting a wine and cheese reception and meet-and-greet with Bishop Munib A. Younan of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land. Bishop Younan, who also serves as President of the Lutheran World Federation, will…
Upcoming music events at Concordia
EDMONTON – Concordia University College of Alberta’s (Edmonton) School of Music is preparing for two major musical events. The Sacred Music Festival “Great is our God” will take place at the Winspear Centre (4 Sir Winston Churchill Square) on October 26 at 3:00 p.m. A…
CLS requests submissions for honourary degrees and awards
EDMONTON – The faculty and Board of Regents of Concordia Lutheran Seminary invite individuals, congregations, and Boards of Lutheran Church-Canada to submit the names of persons to be considered for one of the seminary’s honorary degrees and awards. The purpose of these honorary degrees and…
A Church Anniversary and an Island of Graves
by James Morgan A liturgy containing prayers and music in German, French, and English, and a great deal of history figured prominently at a special service on September 28 to celebrate the 135th anniversary of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Bowman, Quebec, located north of…