The Canadian Lutheran Posts
Mission growth in Honduras
by James Morgan HONDURAS – Mission activity continues in Honduras, spreading the Gospel, and the grace and peace of Jesus Christ in the Central American country. Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) Director of Missions and Social Ministry, Rev. Dr. Leonardo Neitzel says a new Vicar is serving…
In review: Transformers 4 Age of Extinction
by Ted Giese If someone says the word “transformer” and the first thing that comes to mind is an electrical device in a covered box outside your house quietly transferring energy between two or more circuits, then the knowledge there’s a movie called Transformers 4…
He Makes War to Cease: Canadian Lutherans and World War I
by Norman J. Threinen On June 28, 1914¸ Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was killed in Sarajevo, Serbia, the victim of an assassin’s bullet. The assassination of the crown prince of the Austro-Hungarian Empire set in motion decisions that culminated in multiple declarations of war…
A special daily reminder
by Paul Zabel “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore; you are of more value than many…
Missions in Nicaragua expanding
by James Morgan NICARAGUA – Word and Sacrament continue to reach the people of Nicaragua through Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) mission activity and partnership with the Iglesia Luterana Sonodo de Nicaragua (ILSN). In May, Vicar Erwind Tijerino was installed at the mission in Granada, near Managua,…
Convention Essays Now Online
ONLINE – Lutheran Church–Canada is pleased to announce that the essays from the 2014 National Convention are now available for download. Rev. Kurt Reinhardt’s presentation—”As Dear Children Ask Their Dear Father”—focused on prayer. The two-part essay is available for download now as a pdf. Rev….