The Canadian Lutheran Posts

August 16, 2023

Hope Against Hope

by Robert Mohns The Apostle Paul, when writing the letter to the Romans, lifted up our forefather, Abraham, saying of him that “in hope he believed against hope” (Romans 4:18). On its own, this is a rather curious statement. The context, of course, is the…

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August 15, 2023

Faculty call to CLTS accepted

ST. CATHARINES, Ont. – In June 2023, Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary (CLTS) announced that Rev. Kirk Radford intends to accept a call as Assistant Professor of Theology. Rev. Radford is expected to begin teaching in the 2024-25 academic year. The delay will allow Rev. Radford…

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August 14, 2023

More than Enough: The Miracles of Jesus

by Jim Chimirri-Russell The first and great enemy is scarcity. From the second that humanity fell into sin and the fall occurred, then scarcity began. Before that moment, there was no such thing as scarcity. No such thing as want. Things have changed so much…

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August 11, 2023

LCC holds Annual General Meeting

ONLINE – Lutheran Church–Canada held its Annual General Meeting online on June 29, 2023. The meeting saw Arnold Drung, chairman of LCC’s Board of Directors, give a report on behalf of the board. It also saw the reception of LCC’s audited financial statements and the…

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August 10, 2023

The Power of God

by Mathew Block In the beginning, God created the universe. Then He stepped back and let things unfold as they would, without any further interference… These two sentences summarize in brief what we might call classical deism. On the basis of reason, deists are willing…

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August 9, 2023

Costa Rican pastor authors new book

COSTA RICA – Rev. Edmundo Retana, Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) missionary in Costa Rica, has released a new book discussing images of the sacred in the works of famous Costa Rican poet, Jorge Debravo. Rev. Retana, a recognized poet himself, developed the book out of a…

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