The Canadian Lutheran Posts

November 13, 2013

LCC calls for prayers for the Philippines

PHILIPPINES – As the Philippines struggles in the aftermath of a devastating typhoon, Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) is calling on its members to offer up prayers on behalf of the suffering. More than 2,200 people have been confirmed dead, with thousands more injured and hundreds of…

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November 12, 2013

Dr. Gimbel accepts call to serve as CLS President

EDMONTON – Concordia Lutheran Seminary has announced that Rev. Dr. James Gimbel has accepted the call to serve as the seminary’s President, with plans to begin in January 2014. “I have completed deliberating on the Call,” Dr. Gimbel wrote in an email to staff and…

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November 8, 2013

Hospitality as ministry: Outreach in Kitchener

by Leonardo Neitzel The practice of Christian hospitality flows from gratitude to Jesus, who came to us, humbled Himself, built His tent among us, and welcomed us to dwell with Him in the fellowship of His family of faith, the Church. It points to our…

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November 7, 2013

Annual Pastor’s Desk Diary now available for order

ST. CATHARINES, Ontario – Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary has announced its annual pastor’s desk diary is now available for order. It contains readings from the three-year and one-year lectionaries, including variants for the major Lutheran churches in Canada (LCC, ELCIC, WELS). The original work of…

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November 6, 2013

Alive and growing: The Church in Nicaragua

by James Morgan The decline in Christian observance and church attendance in North America is something that preoccupies and concerns us all greatly. Shrinking congregations composed of fewer young people are unfortunately common in Canada and the United States. However, we can take great comfort…

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November 5, 2013

CLWR: Our treasured partner

by Robert Bugbee God’s people have agonized at times about what the Christian church’s mission is. What are we here for? What should we try to accomplish? Often the debates have focused on whether the Holy Christian Church should be spreading the Good News of…

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