The Canadian Lutheran Posts

October 28, 2013

Edmonton seminary calls new president

EDMONTON – The Board of Regents of Concordia Lutheran Seminary (CLS) has extended a call to Rev. Dr. James R. Gimbel to become its next president. The action was taken after the seminary’s electors conducted interviews and cast their votes on Friday, October 25. Dr. Gimbel has…

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October 25, 2013

Sharing the faith in Turkey: An interview with the head of the Istanbul Lutheran Church

Rev. Ville Typpö is head of the Istanbul Lutheran Church and pastor of Istanbul Lutheran Congregation in Turkey. He joined Mathew Block, editor of The Canadian Lutheran (CL), for an interview by Skype. CL: Let’s start at the beginning: what is the history of the…

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October 24, 2013

Lutherans for Life-Canada to stream AGM online

MISSASSAUGA, Ont. – Lutherans for Life-Canada (LFL-C) is calling for nominations for its board,  in preparation for this year’s Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting will be held November 9 at Christ our King Lutheran Church (2150 Dundas St. West) in Mississauga Ontario. Registration…

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October 23, 2013

Like Son, like son

by Thomas Prachar “Like father, like son,” the saying goes. Well, not so much in my case. Oh, to be sure, there were some physical similarities between me and my father. (One likeness I hope doesn’t occur is in the hair department: he referred to…

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October 21, 2013

Attack on LCC’s Mission Centre in Nicaragua

by Mathew Block NICARAGUA – On October 11 at 7:00 p.m., Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) Mission Centre in Chinandega, Nicaragua was attacked. Details emerged slowly over the past week, as regular communications were interrupted following the incident. At the time of the attack, Rev. Rufino Quintero…

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October 18, 2013

Not only a King, but a Father!

by Paul Zabel “Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom”  (Luke 12: 32). Is God set apart, or is God a part of our lives? One of the greatest miracles of life is the knowledge that…

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