The Canadian Lutheran Posts

September 5, 2013

LWML–Canada Sunday

CANADA – Lutheran Women’s Missionary League–Canada (LWMLC) is gearing up for its annual LWMLC Sunday. The event, to be held October 6 (or another Sunday if preferred by congregations) has as its theme this year “Lutheran Women of the Word.” The event is also doubling…

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August 29, 2013

Paradise lost: A review of Elysium

by Ted Giese Under the special effects, makeup, and whiz-bang jargon of sci-fi film-making, one often finds popular social commentary. The commentary generally comes in two varieties: prophetic warning of what the future might hold, or a pointed criticism of how things are right now….

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August 29, 2013

CLWR Sunday 2013

 CANADA – Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR) is inviting Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) congregations to hold “CLWR Sunday.” While CLWR suggests holding the event September 29, congregations are welcome to hold it on any Sunday throughout the year. “It has been customary for Lutheran Church–Canada congregations…

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August 28, 2013

Call for nominations for LCC’s 2014 National Convention

CANADA – As Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) begins preparations for 2014’s National Convention in Vancouver, B.C., the church is calling on its members to prayerfully consider nominations for synod’s boards and offices. In July, LCC sent a letter to all congregations inviting them to recommend candidates…

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August 27, 2013

Translating God’s Word in Cameroon

CAMEROON – Rev. Mike and Kara Kuhn, along with their two sons, Tobias (3) and Gideon (1), arrived in Cameroon, West Africa, before Easter of this year to serve as missionaries with Lutheran Bible Translators of Canada (LBTC). They have been assigned to assist the…

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August 26, 2013

Thinking of the harvest

by Robert Bugbee Summer may be almost gone by the time you read this. It often passes quickly, especially here on the prairies. Soon farm families and others will get busy, gathering in from the fields what the land has brought forth. Those who study…

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