The Canadian Lutheran Posts
LCMS re-elects President Harrison
USA – The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) has re-elected Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison to serve as President. The result was announced July 6. The election for President of the LCMS took place four weeks prior to the 2013 convention, in accordance with new voting…
LCC celebrates 25 years
Update: to watch video from the 25th Anniversary service, click here. CANADA – 2013 is a festival year for Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) as it celebrates the silver anniversary of its founding convention. Twenty-five years have passed since Canadian pastors and congregational representatives of The Lutheran…
25 Years for Lutheran Church-Canada: “We are to celebrate to the Lord” (Exodus 10:9)
by Leonardo Neitzel The relationship of our Lord God with His people in the Old and New Testaments is one of celebration. Through all ages, even amidst trials and suffering of all sorts, God strengthened His people to rejoice and celebrate. When Pharaoh was determined…
Huguenots: An outreach story
by Jim Chimirri-Russell In the days of the Reformation, Protestant preaching—because it was such an important message—spilled past the borders of Germany, the Netherlands, and even England (nations we generally think of as “Protestant”) and into Catholic nations which remained resistant to Protestantism. So what…
Support flood relief in Southern Alberta
Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) is calling on its members to provide funds to assist victims of the flooding in Southern Alberta. Funds received will primarily be used to support local congregational programs that provide emergency services for those most in need. Funds will also be used…
Lutheran military chaplains gather for retreat
by Vic Morris Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) Military Chaplains gathered at the Canadian Forces Chaplain Branch annual retreat May 26-31 in Cornwall, Ontario. The theme of the retreat was spiritual resiliency, with guest speakers and presenters focusing on different aspects of resilience training, sustainment, and renewal….