The Canadian Lutheran Posts
Reviewing an American Muhammad
by Wesley Hromowyk In his new book The American Muhammad: Joseph Smith, Founder of Mormonism, Alvin J. Schmidt compares the founder of Islam, Muhammad to the founder of Mormonism, Joseph Smith. In the process, he makes a great confession of the Christian faith without ever…
Revival: What is it?
by Hans-Lutz Poetsch translated by Robert Bugbee What is meant by “revival?” The word describes a challenge by the apostle Paul to the congregation at Ephesus: “Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you” (Ephesians 5:14). It means that…
Encountering Peru
by James Morgan “It was a wonderful experience,” is how one participant in Canadian Lutheran World Relief’s (CLWR) first Young Adult Global Encounter trip described the recent visit to Peru. From May 10- 21, 20 people aged 18 to 35 and three CLWR staff members…
25th Anniversary Worship Service
WINNIPEG – Twenty-five years ago in May 1988, pastors and congregational representatives from across Canada converged in Winnipeg to hold Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) founding convention. The first weekend of July 2013 saw Lutherans converging on Winnipeg once again, as LCC celebrated its 25th anniversary. Hundreds…
LCMS re-elects President Harrison
USA – The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) has re-elected Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison to serve as President. The result was announced July 6. The election for President of the LCMS took place four weeks prior to the 2013 convention, in accordance with new voting…
LCC celebrates 25 years
Update: to watch video from the 25th Anniversary service, click here. CANADA – 2013 is a festival year for Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) as it celebrates the silver anniversary of its founding convention. Twenty-five years have passed since Canadian pastors and congregational representatives of The Lutheran…