The Canadian Lutheran Posts

February 22, 2013

Life in seminary

———- For our January/February issue, The Canadian Lutheran focused on how God calls pastors to serve the Church. To accompany Ed Kettner’s article on that topic, we interviewed four current seminary students to see what life in seminary is really like. Along the way, we…

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February 22, 2013

Life in seminary: Jeremy Richert

For the January/February issue of The Canadian Lutheran, we’ve been discussing how God calls men to be pastors to serve in the Church. To that end, we asked four current seminarians for their take on life in seminary. Before reading the interview below, you might…

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February 22, 2013

Life in seminary: Scott Gamble

For the January/February issue of The Canadian Lutheran, we’ve been discussing how God calls men to be pastors to serve in the Church. To that end, we asked four current seminarians for their take on life in seminary. Before reading the interview below, you might…

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February 22, 2013

Life in seminary: Mark Schultz

For the January/February issue of The Canadian Lutheran, we’ve been discussing how God calls men to be pastors to serve in the Church. To that end, we asked four current seminarians for their take on life in seminary. Before reading the interview below, you might…

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February 22, 2013

Life in seminary: Milton Lam

For the January/February issue of The Canadian Lutheran, we’ve been discussing how God calls men to be pastors to serve in the Church. To that end, we asked four current seminarians for their take on life in seminary. Before reading the interview below, you might…

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February 21, 2013

CLMS to raise more than $120,000 for missions in 2013

WINNIPEG – The Board of Directors of Concordia Lutheran Mission Society (CLMS) met February 7-9 in Winnipeg to plan for the coming year. A major topic of discussion was what mission projects CLMS would commit to support over 2013. “As our society met this year,”…

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