The Canadian Lutheran Posts

June 25, 2012

Religious liberty being infringed upon: American religious leaders

U.S.A. – Twenty-five leaders of American religious organizations released an open letter on religious freedom June 21, 2012. Entitled “Free Exercise of Religion: Putting Beliefs into Practice,” the letter highlights the leaders’ continuing concerns over new contraceptive regulations introduced by the American government. “As religious leaders…

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June 22, 2012

Remembering Baptism

by Kurt Reinhardt I was 43 days old when it happened. I was held over a small pool in the font. Three times the water was poured over my head. God’s creating word was spoken over me. The Spirit descended. In the name of the Father…

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June 21, 2012

LCC President’s convention sermon now online

A month ago today, the ABC District’s 2012 Convention wrapped up, bringing to an end this round of district conventions in Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC). President Robert Bugbee of LCC had been invited to preach at the opening worship service at each of the three conventions. He…

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June 20, 2012

BC Supreme Court strikes down assisted suicide ban

by James Morgan On June 15, Justice Lynn Smith of the Supreme Court of British Columbia ruled that Canada’s law banning physician-assisted suicide is unconstitutional. The case was taken to court by Gloria Taylor, who has ALS, commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, along with…

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June 18, 2012

Our Father who art in Heaven

by Peggy Pedersen Children of God Not long ago, we had a visit from one of my five step-children. Even though I did not give birth to these children, still I look for reflections of myself in them. I love them, and wish for their…

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June 15, 2012

Fingerprints: God’s Word at work in our lives

by Jane Fryar In the immortal words of Ferris Buehler, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” The longer I live, the truer those words seem. Still, even as God’s people, we often…

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