The Canadian Lutheran Posts

May 17, 2012

Sharing the Gospel through Spanish comic books

LETHBRIDGE, AB – Special fundraisers and donations recently made it possible for Immanuel Lutheran Church to purchase 10,000 copies of Un hombre llamado Jesus: El vivió entre nosotros (“Who is this man called Jesus? He lived among us”). This Spanish-language 128 page booklet brings the stories and…

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May 16, 2012

Notice: LCC’s Emails Down

The synodical office of Lutheran Church–Canada in Winnipeg is upgrading its servers May 18-22. During that period, office staff will be unable to receive emails. As a result, emails sent to any account during that time may be lost. We strongly encourage people to hold…

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May 15, 2012

In the Light of God’s Word: New resources for studying LCC’s Strategic Direction

Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) Handbook calls for the president to gather representatives from across the Synod to meet with the Board of Directors every three years for a planning conference. During this conference the participants study God’s Word, review the environment in which LCC carries on…

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May 10, 2012

March for Life on Parliament Hill

Nearly 20,000 people gathered at Parliament Hill in Ottawa today for the fifteenth annual March for Life, reports LifeSiteNews,—a number well above last year’s record draw of 15,000. The annual event protests abortion and calls on lawmakers provide legal protection for children still in their…

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May 8, 2012

East District Convention Update

The East District of Lutheran Church–Canada re-elected Rev. Paul Zabel as its president at its 2012 convention May 7. Also elected were Rev. Timothy Teuscher as First Vice President, Rev. Ron Mohr as Second Vice President, and Mrs. Lois Griffin as Secretary. The East District is…

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May 4, 2012

T-shirt sparks row over religious freedom at Nova Scotia school

by Mathew Block Chester Basin, N.S. – A student who was suspended after refusing to remove a Christian t-shirt is vowing to wear the shirt again when he returns to class Monday. William Swinimer, a Grade 12 student at Forest Heights Community School in Chester Basin,…

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