The Canadian Lutheran Posts

April 23, 2012

The 14:40 Prayer for World Malaria Day

One child in Africa dies every 60 seconds from malaria. In a single 24-hour period—one day—1,440 people in Africa will succumb to this disease. World Malaria Day offers an opportunity to raise awareness of the devastating effects of this disease and encourage people to join…

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April 20, 2012

Haiti: Two years later

by Ian Adnams With the speed of today’s news cycles the old adage “out of sight; out of mind” is more relevant than ever. Yet just because news gathering organizations are no longer interested in a story doesn’t mean it goes away. This is often the…

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April 19, 2012

Central District approves office relocation

  by Thomas Prachar At its February meeting, the Central District Board of Directors voted to move the district office from its present location in Regina to vacant space at the Lutheran Church–Canada office in Winnipeg. The board’s previous December meeting had authorized staff to…

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April 17, 2012

Shock and Awe

by Mark Dressler One of my favourite “post-Easter” depictions is a painting of the resurrected Christ and the disciple Thomas. It is a wonderful work of art called “The Incredulity of Saint Thomas” by the Italian artist Caravaggio. The painting portrays the Easter encounter of Jesus…

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April 13, 2012

Gospel-motivated love

by Mathew Block “He is not here. He is risen!” This is the Good News of Easter: Jesus Christ died, but He did not stay dead. He bore our sins, suffered the punishment we deserved, and three days after He was laid in the tomb,…

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April 12, 2012

New Central District Gift Coordinator for Lutheran Foundation Canada

It is with great pleasure Lutheran Foundation Canada (LFC) announces David Friesen of Winnipeg has been hired as the new Gift Coordinator for the Central District, effective April 16, 2012. As a life-long Lutheran, Mr. Friesen is presently a member of St. James Lutheran Church (Winnipeg), where he…

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