The Canadian Lutheran Posts

January 26, 2012

Open invitation to join Hippos excavation in 2012

Concordia Lutheran Seminary extends an open invitation to take part in the dig at Hippos, Israel. The group leaves Canada on Thursday June 28 and returns Monday, July 16. An extension is available for those who would like to stay longer. Two weeks (10 days)…

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January 25, 2012

What does this mean? Dropping the “Son of God”

This is my Son… the Christ?   Over the past few months, Wycliffe Bible Translators (the largest Bible translation organization in the world) and its partner SIL International have come under fire for producing Muslim-friendly translations of the Scriptures which replace references to the “Father,” “Son,”…

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January 19, 2012

LCC’s missionaries in Central America report

by Leonardo Neitzel  In early January, President Robert Bugbee and I had a very special meeting with the Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) missionaries and their spouses working in Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Honduras. We met with these five missionaries and their wives shortly after the close of…

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January 17, 2012

Rev. Dr. Zeuch joins Concordia University College of Alberta.

In December 2011, the Board of Governors for Concordia University College of Alberta (CUCA) appointed Rev. Dr. Manfred Zeuch to the position of Vice-President International. Dr. Zeuch – who has been appointed to a two-year pro tempore term – will lead CUCA in its new international strategy,…

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January 16, 2012

Nicaragua mission pioneer called home

Following a three-year battle with cancer, Rev. Sándor Argüello, Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) first missionary to Nicaragua, was called home by his Lord Saturday January 14, 2012 in Managua, Nicaragua. He was in his home city to pursue alternate medical treatment. In accordance with Nicaraguan law, he…

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January 13, 2012

Lutheran Church–Canada marks Sanctity of Life Sunday

by James Morgan The Scriptures tell us that the lives of all people are sacred – whether those people are elderly, disabled, or still growing in their mothers’ wombs. Unfortunately, not everyone shares this belief in the sanctity of life. Abortion is legal in Canada,…

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