The Canadian Lutheran Posts

December 22, 2011

LCC on the Road: Seminary teaching in Ukraine

Reflections teaching overseas by Edward Kettner I arrived in Odessa on Monday, November 28. This is my fourth trip to Ukraine on behalf of LCC, and my third trip to teach seminary students. The first thing I noticed was how much easier it is to…

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December 21, 2011

What does the future hold?

Christmas greetings from the ABC District president by Don Schiemann History records the rise and fall of great and powerful nations and empires. In the days of Daniel the prophet, the ancient Babylonians were at the pinnacle of power. Everyone feared them, and with good…

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December 20, 2011

Fruitful first dialogue between LCMS and NALC

by Mathew Block The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) and North American Lutheran Church (NALC) officially began dialogue in a series of meetings December 15 -16 in St. Louis, Missouri. Among those present were President Matthew Harrison of the LCMS and Bishop John Bradosky of the…

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December 19, 2011

The Nativity in 3D: The Crèche helps tell the Christmas story

by Jim Chliboyko One wouldn’t think a nativity scene—the traditional depiction of the evening of Christ’s birth—would provide too much mileage for comedy. But that didn’t stop Mr. Bean. There’s a famously cheeky (and slightly naughty) bit during Merry Christmas Mr. Bean, in which the…

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December 16, 2011

President’s Christmas Message: Standing at the door

Jesus knocks, but occupants inside don’t always hear by Robert Bugbee The words appear in red letters in special editions of the Bible: “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come…

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December 15, 2011

New chairman for Commission on Theology and Church Relations

In its first meeting since Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) 2011 convention, the Commission on Theology and Church Relations (CTCR) elected Rev. Warren Hamp (Faith, Kitchener) as its new chairman and Cliff Pyle (Grace, Saskatoon) as its secretary. The previous chairman and secretary of the CTCR had reached…

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