The Canadian Lutheran Posts

November 3, 2011

Edmonton seminary announces interim leadership

After the morning chapel service, Tuesday, November 1, faculty, staff and students at Concordia Lutheran Seminary (CLS) in Edmonton heard the news: “The CLS Board of Regents has appointed Dr. Edwin Lehman, LCC president emeritus, to serve as acting president.” This appointment will last until…

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November 1, 2011

Remembering the departed faithful

by Robert Bugbee For all the saints who from their labours rest… In the old days, especially in villages and out in the country, on your way into church on Sunday, you walked past gravestones. The church had its own cemetery. Sometimes you noticed upturned…

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November 1, 2011

Giving is up, membership down according to 2010 stats

The annual “snapshot” of Lutheran Church–Canada is now fully developed with the compilation of 2010 statistical information from about two-thirds of LCC’s congregations. Declining membership trends continue at about 2 percent, however attendance shows an increase. Of the 67,154 baptized members, about 18,243 gather at…

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October 30, 2011

Luther graphic novel is a winner despite shortcomings

by Andrew Craig Edutainment is a word we’ve come to know around my house as my wife and I try to be discerning parents, limiting our child’s TV viewing so she gets something out of what she watches. Hence, she watches things like Sesame Street, Dora…

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October 28, 2011

New board members installed

WINNIPEG– After meeting for two days, new members of Lutheran Church–Canada’s 2011-14 Board of Directors attended Saint James Lutheran Church, Sunday, October 23 for their official installation. Their terms of office began September 1. Guest preacher, LCC’s president, Rev. Dr. Robert Bugbee based his sermon…

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October 28, 2011

New board brings fresh insight to church issues

The first meeting of Lutheran Church–Canada’s Board of Directors for the 2011-2014 triennium convened in Winnipeg, October 21-22. Three lay persons and one pastor elected at the June 2011 convention joined the board. The meeting began with an orientation by President Robert Bugbee based on…

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