The Canadian Lutheran Posts

October 13, 2011

Theology students are eager to learn

Students taking the theological education courses in Chinandega, Nicaragua are finishing their second week of classes. Thirteen men and 22 women first studied an “Introduction to the New Testament” taught by Rev. Kurt Reinhardt (Trinity, Kurtzville, Ont.). The course began with a brief look at…

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October 13, 2011

Daily Bible reading erupts in Winnipeg

Staff members at Lutheran Church–Canada’s office in Winnipeg meet each workday for a devotion and Bible study with President Robert Bugbee when he’s in town. During those times together he often mentioned how his wife, Gail, has read Scripture every day for years using the…

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October 12, 2011

Southeast Asia floods affect Lutheran churches

by James Morgan Heavy monsoon rains and typhoons in Southeast Asia have led to devastating floods in recent weeks. According to news reports, as of October 11, the flooding has affected 2.5 million people and at least 500 people are dead in Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and…

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October 7, 2011

Thanksgiving video from Ukraine

LCC Missionary Alexey Navrotsky and the video team at Alpha & Omega Student Society produced a 12-minute Thanksgiving video for Lutheran Church-Canada. The video includes highlights from the visit of a team from Grace Lutheran Church in Drumheller, A&O summer camps, the opening of the seminary in Odessa in August…

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October 6, 2011

Seminary agreement evident in fall classes and meetings

The results of signing a Memorandum of Understanding between Lutheran Church–Canada’s Board of Directors and two seminaries in June are now evident to students, faculty, and staff in St. Catharines and Edmonton. This fall students at Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary (CLTS) in St. Catharines, Ontario…

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October 4, 2011

The heart of thanksgiving

by Peggy Pedersen Although the Apostle Paul writes in Thessalonians 5:18 “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” a harder saying is what he writes in Ephesians 5:20. There he says we should be “giving…

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