The Canadian Lutheran Posts

October 3, 2011

One year on line for Lutheran magazine

The goal of providing timely, relevant news and information from a Lutheran perspective reached a milestone October 1 as celebrated its first anniversary. Launched as an online version of Lutheran Church–Canada’s award-winning print magazine The Canadian Lutheran, the site includes news stories, features as…

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September 30, 2011

Donations and special events support famine relief

by James Morgan The Bible verse from Psalms “For the needy shall not always be forgotten, and the hope of the poor shall not perish forever,” (Psalm 9:18) describes well the outstanding response to Canadian Lutheran World Relief’s (CLWR) appeal for support to aid those…

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September 29, 2011

Iranian pastor faces execution

Christians around the world are waiting anxiously to hear if the Iranian government followed through on its execution sentence for a Christian pastor. Reports from Iran through Christian Solidarity Worldwide  said Iranian pastor Yousef Nadarkhani Nadarkhani faced execution Wednesday if he did not recant his faith. A court…

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September 29, 2011

A Lutheran perspective on the Pope’s visit to Germany

A Lutheran perspective on the Pope’s visit to Germany[1] Pope Benedict XVI visited Germany September 22-25, 2011. Bishop Hans-Jőrg Voigt of the SELK, Lutheran Church–Canada’s partner church in Germany, took part in the ecumenical service of the Word held inErfurtwith the head of the Roman…

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September 29, 2011

Benefits board still battling financial uncertainties

As stock markets continued reacting to world financial instabilities in late September, the Board of Managers of Lutheran Church–Canada’s Worker Benefit Plans met in Toronto to hear reports from the pension plan’s investment managers. With the current extreme market volatility, the investment managers outlined defensive…

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September 28, 2011

What do people say about the Church?

by Leonardo Neitzel Since 2007 Lutheran Church–Canada has conducted an online survey which brings to light important findings for our congregations, members and church leaders. The survey link is on and asks readers to “Take a survey about church.” Almost 1600 people have taken…

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