The Canadian Lutheran Posts

May 15, 2023

German pastor reflects on Christian witness in a dictatorship

by Wilhelm Torgerson GERMANY – At the invitation of the Ursula-Schule, a Roman Catholic High School in the city of Osnabrück in northern Germany, Rev. Hartmut Bartmuss of the Independent Evangelical Lutheran Church (SELK) presented on his life and pastoral service under the communist regime…

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May 11, 2023

Ministerial Program Committee meets with CLS students

EDMONTON – On February 3, 2023 the Ministerial Program Committee (MPC, volunteers representing Lutheran Church–Canada) met with students from Concordia Lutheran Seminary to visit with them and provide personal observations and coaching. They support, nudge, and guide personal aspects of growth for students in the…

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May 10, 2023

Installation at Bethel Kitchener

KITCHENER, Ont. – From the summer climate of southern Brazil, Rev. Davi Schmidt and his wife Natacha arrived in Canada on Monday, January 30, to the refreshing temperature of -25° C. Welcome to Canada! On the very next Sunday, February 5, the congregation of Bethel…

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May 9, 2023

Trinity Winkler celebrates anniversaries

WINKLER, Man. – On October 29, 2022, the members of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Winkler held a special potluck dinner to celebrate two milestone anniversaries: 125 years since its first gathering as a congregation (the anniversary should have been marked in 2021 but wasn’t…

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May 8, 2023

Thanks from Red Lake

RED LAKE, Ont. – In recent years, Christ Lutheran Church in Red Lake has slipped past the point of being self-sustainable. The problem is, there are no other Lutheran Church–Canada congregations nearby, so we’ve applied for help from the Synod—and you came to meet our…

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May 4, 2023

LCC encourages prayer for King Charles III in light of coronation

CANADA – Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) President Timothy Teuscher encourages members and congregations of our synod to lift up in prayer King Charles III in light of his Coronation on Saturday, May 6, 2023. A prayer option for congregations and individuals to consider comes from the…

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