The Canadian Lutheran Posts

June 6, 2011

Busy days for convention delegates

Delegates to Lutheran Church–Canada’s Ninth Convention in Hamilton, Ontario wrapped up business today one-half hour ahead of schedule. Meeting from June 3-6 the representatives from across Canada elected those who will serve the church over the next three years and also resolved some important issues….

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June 4, 2011

LCC Convention begins with witness in Hamilton

by James Morgan Delegates from all over Canada gathered late on Friday afternoon at the Hamilton Convention Centre to begin Lutheran Church Canada’s ninth convention. During the brief installation ceremony, LCC President Dr. Rev. Bugbee referred to the first chapter of II Timothy to instruct…

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June 1, 2011

Prepare for a convention on line!

Not so long ago a national church convention was a remote gathering for which people waited patiently to hear or read about decisions. The Internet has changed everything. Now, thanks to webcasts, news sites and e-mail, Lutheran Church–Canada’s national convention in Hamilton June 3-6 is…

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May 31, 2011

Lutherans find “hot button” answers in the Bible

When delegates from across Canada meet for Lutheran Church–Canada’s ninth convention June 3-6 in Hamilton, Ontario, they won’t debate same-sex marriage, abortion, or re-defining who should be ordained. Those matters are settled. The church body, whose roots go back to 1517, believes marriage is the life…

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May 28, 2011

Pastors, deacons and vicars placed across Canada

In four services over the past month, congregations and schools across Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) received word of God’s gift to them of new church workers—pastors, vicars and deacons. Concordia Seminary, Ft Wayne held its placement services May 2-3 sending three pastoral candidates to serve in…

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May 27, 2011

Webcasts of seminary placement services

Lutheran Church–Canada’s seminaries are webcasting the special services Friday and Saturday which include the placements of candidates for the pastoral ministry and vicarages. Concordia Lutheran Seminary, Edmonton Friday, May 27, 7 p.m MDT (9 p.m. EDT) VIDEO LINK Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary, St. Catharines, Saturday, May 28,…

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