The Canadian Lutheran Posts

May 13, 2011

Conference looks at Lutheranism in a secular Scandinavia

In Scandinavia, Lutherans have a history dating back hundreds of years. Yet the influence of the church is declining to the point that it is no longer the state church in Sweden. To help North Americans understand the current state of Lutheranism in the area,…

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May 12, 2011

Lutheran president urges prayer for flood victims and workers

Dear members and friends of Lutheran Church-Canada: Our co-workers here at Synod’s office in Winnipeg have prayed repeatedly for people affected by the flood threat now engulfing many parts of the province of Manitoba and elsewhere. The authorities seek to minimize damage to towns and…

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May 12, 2011

Pastor coaches, mentors and witnesses on the basketball court

PLUMAS, Man. – The senior boys’ basketball team at William Morton Collegiate (WMCI) in Gladstone enjoyed a boost when Zion pastor Rev. Mark Smith stepped in to join coach Cale Dunbar. “He’s very experienced and he’s really turned the team around,” said Dunbar, “so the…

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May 6, 2011

Convention resolutions address common concerns

After meeting April 15-16, members of Lutheran Church–Canada’s 2011 Convention Resolutions Committees brought together the themes of 43 overtures and wrote 36 resolutions for delegates to consider in Hamilton from June 3 to 6.  Moral issues, doctrine and Lutheran identity, synod governance and structure, and education…

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May 4, 2011

National convention provides outreach opportunity

by James Morgan When a few hundred Lutherans gather in one city for three days, there’s a great opportunity for outreach. A concert at this year’s Lutheran Church–Canada convention in Hamilton (from June 3 to 6) is designed to do exactly that. On Sunday, June…

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May 4, 2011

The One True God versus everything else

by Peggy Pedersen “These are the days when the Christian is expected to praise every creed except his own…There are those who hate Christianity and call their hatred an all-embracing love for all religions.” – G.K. Chesterton   Recently I had a conversation with some…

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