The Canadian Lutheran Posts

March 29, 2011

Convention overtures reflect grassroots concerns

by James Morgan Christian ethics and morals, seminary education, and the preservation and development of Lutheran identity are the hot topics found in overtures to Lutheran Church–Canada’s triennial convention scheduled for June 3 to 6 in Hamilton, Ontario. Congregations, circuits, boards, and commissions submitted overtures, published…

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March 29, 2011

No toy weapons against real foes

by Peggy Pedersen This week while I watched news coverage of fighting in Libya, a reporter discovered one of the combatants had only a plastic toy gun. At one point the man even risked death—braving live ammunition—trying to recover his “weapon.” How often in life’s…

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March 27, 2011

Canadian family in Thailand rocked by earthquake

by James Morgan  While images of destruction in Japan are still fresh in our minds, another earthquake in Southeast Asia has affected an LCC Lutheran family serving as volunteer missionaries in Thailand. On March 24, a 6.8 magnitude quake struck the northeast part of Myanmar,…

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March 26, 2011

Candidates identified for convention elections

The 2011 Lutheran Church–Canada Convention Workbook, published online Friday, March 25, outlines the nominees for elected positions for which convention delegates will cast ballots. More than 100 congregations sent in nominations for President of Synod, meeting the January 31, 2011 deadline. After counting the ballots,…

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March 25, 2011

Publication details what’s happening in Lutheran Church–Canada

A document with the title Convention Workbook sounds ominous and perhaps even potentially boring, however the 2011 edition provides a snapshot of what is going on in Lutheran Church–Canada and all its related institutions and organizations. Prior to each triennial convention LCC publishes a Convention…

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March 24, 2011

This summer give children a ‘Big Jungle Adventure’

Concordia Publishing House is offering a specially priced “All-Inclusive” Starter Kit for “Big Jungle Adventure,” its 2011 vacation Bible school program.  The items in the $119.99(US) kit would cost $269(US) if purchased separately. With the theme “A Faith Journey with Jesus,” based on 2 Tim….

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