The Canadian Lutheran Posts

February 25, 2011

Stuttering kings and imperfect pastors

Reflections on The King’s Speech and the Office of the Preacher by Mathew Block  Widely hailed by critics as one of the best films of 2010, and nominated for twelve Academy Awards, The King’s Speech offers Christians much more than an evening’s entertainment according to…

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February 25, 2011

Dual focus for Lenten devotions

As Lent approaches, Lutheran Hour Ministries is offering two devotional booklets, one for those observing Lent and another written for people for whom the season is not on their radar. The Light Shines in the Darkness examines the Gospel of John’s narrative of the life of…

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February 24, 2011

Excuse me. Your bias is showing!

The scientific world received some shocking news last year. Researchers Jere Jenkins and Ephraim Fischbach of Purdue University, and Peter Sturrock of Stanford published an article that seems to challenge the “clock” used to approximate the age of archaeological objects. If this study is accurate,…

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February 23, 2011

N.Z. Lutheran church leader calls for prayer

by James Morgan “Loving Lord, have mercy,” is the petition from President Robert Erickson of the Lutheran Church of New Zealand as that country recovers from the 6.3 magnitude earthquake that violently shook the South Island city of Christchurch on February 22. Rev. David Lipsys,…

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February 22, 2011

Ministry organization launches successful outreach conference series

A sellout crowd of more than 300 people, including seven Canadians, left Lutheran Hour Ministries’ Regional Outreach Conference (ROC) in Phoenix, Arizona, inspired to share the love of Jesus, the spiritual “rock,” with friends, family members and people in their community.   “It was a privilege…

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February 20, 2011

Bieber, abortion and babies

by Ken Maher One of the first exposures I had to Justin Bieber came a few months ago. I sat amazed as his video of the song Baby enthralled and delighted my youngest daughter. As my precocious toddler danced through the living room, looking ever…

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