The Canadian Lutheran Posts

January 5, 2011

Sure-fire predictions for 2011

by Peggy Pedersen Every year at this time people make predictions and resolutions. The predictions are always false prophecies and speculations, some based on trends or data, some not, but within all of them is fear of what the future holds. As Christians, we do…

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January 4, 2011

Christmas in the Afghan desert

by Chaplain Harold Ristau Normally, pastors have the delicate task of encouraging people to come to church without sounding too pushy. This can become tiring after many years of ministry. The one exception is Christmas. Providing Christmas services for our Canadian troops in Afghanistan was…

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January 1, 2011

Reasons for not attending a church

In online survey conducted by Lutheran Church–Canada asked respondents who said the do not regularly attend church the reasons behind their answer.  Not welcome. (This is a recurring answer.) Not interested. If God is everywhere I don’t have to go to a specific place at…

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December 31, 2010

Lutherans in Canada rallied behind Haitians in 2010

By Keven Drews ST. CATHARINES, Ont. – It would be an understatement to say 2010 was a bad year for Haiti. An earthquake in January, an outbreak of typhoid fever in April and a cholera epidemic in October and November devastated the small Caribbean nation,…

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December 28, 2010

Christianity is for everyone or, ‘Ooey-gooey no more!’

by Thomas Prachar “Churches geared to women, author says.” That was the headline of the September 9 edition of The Globe and Mail that caught my attention. To be sure, this article wasn’t on the front page but was minding its own business in the…

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December 27, 2010

Lecture series focuses on spirituality

EDMONTON — Six Lutheran and non-Lutheran scholars – even a Catholic father – will participate in a new lecture series on spirituality at Concordia Lutheran Seminary (CLS) in early 2011. Conceived by CLS president Dr. Manfred Zeuch, the speakers will tackle everything from spirituality and…

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