The Canadian Lutheran Posts

December 8, 2010

Ethiopian Lutheran church calls on ELCA to repent

 The Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY) has warned the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) that its decision to bless homosexual relationships and allow practising homosexuals into the clergy threatens to disrupt long-standing cooperation between the two churches. In a letter addressed to Presiding…

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December 7, 2010

Breakaway Anglicans talk with conservative Lutherans

“The Background and Identity of our Churches” was the theme of the first dialogue session held recently between representatives of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS), Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) and the new Anglican Church in North America (ACNA). ACNA comprises former members of the Anglican Church…

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December 6, 2010

The truth about Old Saint Nick : Why Turkey means more than Christmas dinner

by Jim Chliboyko “East of Marmaris the coast loses most of its wrinkles and the Greek Islands are left behind,” reads the dog-eared copy of Lonely Planet’s West Asia on a Shoestring. “The coast is sprinkled with ruins… and it’s studded with beautiful beaches and…

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December 4, 2010

Seminary task force delivers report

Members of Lutheran Church–Canada’s Board of Directors received the long-anticipated report from the Task Force on Cost Efficient and Sustainable Seminary Education, December 2. The key recommendation is that LCC conduct seminary education on two campuses, St. Catharines and Edmonton, under a single administration, curriculum…

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December 4, 2010

Lutheran filmmaker receives international film award

Canadian, Roberto Munoz, a Lutheran pastor, received a Redemptive Storyteller Award for 2010, in the professional category. The Redemptive Film Festival, held November 13 in Virginia Beach, Virginia, honoured his feature film, Under Jakob’s Ladder. “The film is both a personal and a Lutheran story;…

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December 1, 2010

Cholera epidemic stopped in one Haitian province

Pastor Revenel Benoit reported from Haiti November 30 that the cholera epidemic has been stopped in Artibonite province where it began and raged for weeks. The Lutheran Church of Haiti (LCH) operated three clinics treating the sick and ministering to them spiritually. LCMS World Relief…

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