The Canadian Lutheran Posts

December 1, 2010

Denial and blame don’t work with God

by Don Schiemann Flight engineers had delayed the launch of the space shuttle Challenger a number of times. Finally, on January 27, 1986, in spite of frost and early morning temperatures at the freezing point, the countdown went ahead. At 11:38 a.m. EST, with millions…

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December 1, 2010

Pastor receives military commendation for chaplain’s work

Rev. Vic Morris pastor of Concordia Lutheran Church in Penticton B.C., and a reserve military chaplain with the British Columbia Dragoons, was awarded the Commander’s Commendation by Colonel Bryan Gagne of the Canadian Army’s 39 Brigade Group headquartered in Vancouver. A chaplain before he came…

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November 30, 2010

‘Land ho’ for mission boat society

PARKSVILLE, B.C.-In a meeting held Monday, November 29, 2010 the Board of Directors of the BC Mission Boat Society (BCMBS), made a strategic decision to focus on year-round land-based ministry. This decision reflects a growing trend of the last few years; the changing interest of…

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November 30, 2010

Convention actions dominate directors’ meeting

The November meeting of Lutheran Church–Canada’s Board of Directors (BOD) provided a preview of possible agenda items for the 2011 synodical convention as well as the conclusion of convention actions from 2008. The board heard reports from three task forces and a proposal from Concordia…

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November 29, 2010

A musical gift for this Christmas and many more!

by Dave Lieffertz and Gary Brucker The year was 1992 when the guys in The CREW were introduced to a 14-year-old singer from Roblin, Manitoba named Tara Lyn Mohr. Tara was already writing, recording and performing her own material as well as winning talent contests…

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November 28, 2010

Gifts that keep giving and help share God’s love

by Allen Schellenberg  If you have attended my presentation Christian Estate and Will Planning, you have heard me share that I have been a member of Trinity Lutheran Church in Richmond, B.C. for close to 54 years. Well, I’ve checked with my mother, and although…

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