The Canadian Lutheran Posts

November 28, 2010

The French hymnal hits keep coming!

Pastors, choir directors, organists, music teachers and congregations can now enjoy three new Christmas hymns courtesy of Lutheran Church–Canada’s Liturgies et cantiques luthériens. The hymns, traditional favourites in the French-speaking world, are available in English for use across Canada. He is born Holy Infant Mild…

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November 27, 2010

Networking across time: denominations are not dead

by Tom Prachar In my summer reading I came across an interesting article in the magazine Christianity Today entitled “Life in Those Old Bones.” The author, Ed Stetzer, director of Lifeway Research and author of Transformational Church, argues that denominations are not dead, stating: “We…

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November 26, 2010

Playing hurt in sports, life and church

by Paul Zabel I love this time of year! Part of the reason is that I love football. I’ll watch every game I can, and I’ll even be satisfied to watch part of a game in progress when I return home from wherever I’ve been. I…

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November 26, 2010

Synod convention in Ukraine elects new council; plans for future

The annual convention of the Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Churches of Ukraine (SELCU) met at the new Concordia Seminary building in Usatovo, a suburb of Odessa, November 23-25. The convention began with an opening service during which Bishop Gräfenstein preached on Genesis 45:24 with the…

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November 25, 2010

Changes reported in overseas missions

“We are learning to do overseas mission with fewer dollars,” Lutheran Church–Canada’s mission executive Dr. Leonardo Neitzel reported to synod’s Board of Directors. His comment came as the board listened to him explain that LCC can no longer afford to support a full-time missionary in…

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November 24, 2010

Considering God’s love

by Peggy Pedersen Recently in New York City a man, Julio Diaz, was mugged at knifepoint. After giving the mugger his wallet, he said: “If you’re going to be robbing people for the rest of the night, you might as well take my coat to…

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