The Canadian Lutheran Posts

November 1, 2010

New hymn available for Advent 2010

Members of Lutheran Church–Canada congregations which worship in English can soon experience some of what the new French language hymnal offers. An English translation of a French Advent hymn published in Liturgies et cantiques lutheriens is available just in time for the season marking the…

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November 1, 2010

Youth music ministry rethinks its role and future

An Okanagan-based youth ministry that has sent music and witness teams to Lutheran churches and summer camps across Canada for 18 years is being forced by financial concerns to rethink its vision. CREW Ministries is planning an alumni retreat in Kelowna B.C. on November 19…

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October 31, 2010

Doctor’s appointment: up close and personal with Martin Luther

Compiled by Ian Adnams The fifty-five volumes of Luther’s Works contain Dr. Luther’s Bible commentaries, sermons and essays. Volume 54 is called “Table Talk” and contains notes taken by guests and visitors to his home as they bantered opinions during meals. Rather than discourses from…

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October 30, 2010

God opens the door to new worship location

Lutherans in St. Jean, Quebec have a new place for midweek worship, thanks to a partnership with the Canadian Forces. The local Anglican church where they met closed, leaving the group to find another location. Rena, wife of Pierre Couture, the group’s lay leader, contacted…

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October 29, 2010

Fire devastates Dnepropetrovsk church

On October 22, Pastor Alexey Navrotsky (Lutheran Church–Canada’s missionary in Ukraine) sent an alarming e-mail. He reported that an electrical fire the previous evening destroyed much of the Central Evangelical Christian Baptist Church in Dnepropetrovsk. This is only the latest chapter in the dramatic story…

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October 26, 2010

Lutheran aid workers help prevent further cholera outbreak in Haiti

 HAITI – The Ministry of Health has confirmed the cholera outbreak in the Departement of Artibonite and the Central Plateau. More than 3,000 persons were hospitalized and 253 have died. Doctors in Port-au-Prince diagnosed five cases, all had travelled from the Artibonite. The government ministry…

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