The Canadian Lutheran Posts

October 4, 2010

You’re not in this alone

by Peggy Pedersen Psalm 31: 1-5 1 In you, O LORD, have I taken refuge; let me never be put to shame; deliver me in your righteousness. 2 Incline your ear to me; make haste to deliver me. 3 Be my strong rock, a castle…

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October 4, 2010

A Roman Catholic bishop looks at Luther

Lutherans and Roman Catholics share a common history until 1517 when a German Catholic monk, Martin Luther, began questioning the biblical basis for certain practices by the Roman Church and caused a split. But how do Roman Catholics view Luther today? To answer the question,…

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October 4, 2010

LCC mission executive sends video report from Haiti

Lutheran Church–Canada’s mission executive, Rev. Dr. Leonardo Nietzel, is currently in Haiti with a review team sponsored by Canadian Lutheran World Relief. He sends this video update from the streets of Port-au-Prince, courtesy of fellow team member Trina Gallop, communications director for the Evangelical Lutheran Church…

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October 4, 2010

Got a light?

by Ian Adnams On Sunday our congregation’s worship service focused on the work of Lutheran Women’s Missionary League-Canada. We used the organizations convention theme “Shine like stars.” Maybe the word ‘stars’ put my mind in an astrophysics mode, but during the sermon our pastor talked…

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October 1, 2010

Lutheran team from Canada reviews Haiti earthquake relief

HAITI- CLWR Executive Director Robert Granke, LCC’s mission executive Rev. Dr. Leonardo Neitzel, ELCIC Communications Director Trina Gallop and CLWR’s Community Relations Director Tom Brook are currently in Haiti. They are spending a week there visiting projects supported by funds raised during CLWR’s Appeal for…

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October 1, 2010

“It’s us and it’s now” speaker tells men’s gathering

REGINA – Challenging men to take up the leadership roles to which God has called them in church, family and the world was the motivation behind a special event Sunday, September 27. More than 80 men gathered at Mount Olive Lutheran Church for worship, fellowship…

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