The Canadian Lutheran Posts
Mission society targets Haitian cholera epidemic
by Keven Drews ST. CATHARINES, Ont. — A service organization affiliated with Lutheran–Church Canada (LCC) is calling for prayers in the midst of a Haitian cholera epidemic that has already claimed nearly 1,100 lives. Rev. Dr. John Wilch, chairman of the Haiti Lutheran Mission Society,…
President reinforces international relationships
Strengthening ties with church partners in England and internationally was the goal behind a European trip by Lutheran Church–Canada president Rev. Dr. Robert Bugbee in October. “Thanks to Aeroplan miles, it was a wonderful blessing to have my wife, Gail, with me for this travel,”…
Law, Gospel and laughter mark funeral service
More than 500 family and friends gathered at Bethel Lutheran Church (Sherwood Park, Alberta) along with at least 180 people online Friday, November 12 to thank God for the life of Rev. Dr. Richard Kraemer, president emeritus of Concordia University College of Alberta (CUCA). Dr….
Perfect timing for new Christmas single
At a time when so many parents have faced the task of helping school children sell chocolates or other goodies to raise funds for school programs, an interesting twist appears in time for Christmas. Juno Award nominated singer, Tara Lyn Hart is using her vocal…
Language is argument and argument is language for Martin Luther: New book
by Keven Drews WINNIPEG — A Canadian Forces chaplain hopes a recently published book will educate the public about Martin Luther and spark some healthy discourse and debate within the church. This past May, Edwin Mellen Press published Rev. Harold Ristau’s 545-page, hardcover book, titled…
Delegate election and nominee selections continue
The grassroots work for the 2011 national convention of Lutheran Church–Canada continues with the selection of voting delegates. With a December 6 deadline, as of November 15 circuit forums have chosen 46 of the 118 required pastoral and lay delegates. The number of delegates is…