The Canadian Lutheran Posts

September 21, 2010

A very special confirmation and welcome

Confirmation REGINA – Nathan Hubick and Angelina Patterson became members of Mount Olive Lutheran Church through the Rite of Confirmation, Sunday, January 10. Nathan and Angelina took a series of classes with Rev. Ted Giese using special materials from Concordia Publishing House. The congregation is…

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September 21, 2010

Prayers requested for prairie flood victims

MAPLE CREEK, Sask. – The people of this town won’t forget June 18 anytime soon. As national news coverage showed, flooding devastated the area, including Medicine Hat, Alberta. Many people lost possessions, even their homes, to the waters. Cypress Parish pastor, Rev. Brad Julien travelled…

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September 21, 2010

LCC Lutherans assist ongoing Katrina recovery effort

WINNIPEG – August 2010 marks the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. While the media has moved on to other news, the hard work of restoration continues. During May 8-15, Rev. Ward Yunker, associate pastor of Peace Lutheran Church, led a team of six on a…

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September 21, 2010

Anniversary weekend welcomes special guests

PRINCE ALBERT, Sask. – A weekend of celebrations marked the 50th anniversary of Redeemer Lutheran, May 15 and 16. Festivities began with a come-and-go reception Saturday evening from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. After the regular Sunday-morning service, 75 people filled the church for the afternoon’s…

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September 17, 2010

Regina police welcome LCC chaplain

REGINA – Rev. D. J. Kim joined the Regina Police Services as a chaplain Sunday, May 30, in a service at Mount Olive Lutheran Church. Pastor Ted Giese conducted the liturgy, hymns, lessons and prayers, focusing on the servants our Lord has placed among us—police…

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September 17, 2010

Ponderings from the president

The night of Halloween 2001, the mayor of Inglis, Florida (a town of 1200 people, north of Tampa) decided to take action. The town had been experiencing a tougher-than-normal year with an increase in crime, drug abuse and general lawlessness, especially among its younger citizens….

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