The Canadian Lutheran Posts

August 16, 2010

Numbers are in for 2009

WINNIPEG – Like every annual report, the 2009 statistics for Lutheran Church–Canada show gains and losses, and offer good news and bad.  Baptised membership trend 1999-2009 Continuing a multi-year trend, baptized membership (all people on a congregation’s membership list) in LCC congregations declined 1.7 percent in…

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August 13, 2010

Goats eating office building

“A nice sharp stucco finish would hopefully discourage the goats which eat the plaster” reported Martin Weber, a Bible translator in Cameroon writing about the state of the Kwanja Translation Center. For the past 28 years, he and his wife Joan, Canadians serving with Lutheran Bible…

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August 12, 2010

The church is full of sinners

by Judith Burns  Anne Rice, one of the first modern authors to write about vampires, has been in the news of late but for another reason. On August 4 she declared: “In the name of Christ, I quit Christianity and being Christian. Amen.” Later she added,…

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August 11, 2010

Cambodian pastors learn more about Lutheran distinctives

Since forming as a church body in 2009 and installing its first bishop earlier this year, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Cambodia (ELCC) continues developing its Lutheran identity. Last month, pastors of the young church began learning more about Lutheran liturgy and Law and Gospel…

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August 6, 2010

Helping meet intercultural ministry needs

While Canada celebrates its multiculturalism, Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) encourages inter-culturalism—Gospel proclamation in churches and congregations where Lutherans from around the world, now living in Canada, receive God’s gifts in Word and Sacraments. For many adult new Canadians, the first task is learning English, then adapting…

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August 5, 2010

Bones of John the Baptist – again?

Various news reports claim the bones of John the Baptist have been found on an island in the Black Sea in Bulgaria. Archeologists discovered a stone urn under the altar of a ruined monastery inscribed with a reference to June 24, the festival day of John…

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