The Canadian Lutheran Posts

July 23, 2010

Timing delays full Lutheran participation in apology to Mennonites

At the eleventh assembly of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) meeting in Stuttgart, Germany, delegates today unanimously approved a statement asking forgiveness from Anabaptists (Mennonites) for “the harm that our forbears in the sixteenth century committed” in persecuting Anabaptists. Since the Geneva-based LWF does not represent…

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July 22, 2010

Current budgets cause concern for seminary task force

“We’re at the point where recommendations are becoming clearer,” reported Rev. Nolan Astley to Lutheran Church–Canada’s Board of Directors. Rev. Astley is chairman of the Task Force on Cost-Efficient and Sustainable Seminary Education. His report summarized the most recent meetings of the task force in…

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July 22, 2010

Entertaining film shows life without hope

by Ted Giese In a letter to the church in Thessalonica, the Apostle Paul writes: “But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope,” (1 Thessalonians 4:13). The…

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July 21, 2010

Pension and benefit plan changes announced

Lutheran Church–Canada’s Board of Directors approved changes to some parts of the Worker Benefit Plans based on recommendations from the Board of Managers (BOM). The BOM, which gives direction and oversight to LCC’s Worker Benefit Plans, made these recommendations after two days of careful deliberation…

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July 16, 2010

German country-western tunes at Stampede Breakfast

CALGARY – Every year for 10 days in July, Calgary celebrates its cowboy roots with the Calgary Stampede. Many businesses, associations and churches join the fun by hosting a Stampede Breakfast—an annual rite of summer no matter what the weather. St. Matthew in Bridgeland—a dual…

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July 13, 2010

LCMS elects new president; adds Canadian vice-president

HOUSTON, TX – Delegates to the 64th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod elected Rev. Matthew Harrison the church body’s thirteenth president. Rev. Harrison succeeds Rev. Dr. Gerald Kieschnick who was standing for election to his fourth term. The 48-year-old president-elect currently serves as executive…

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