The Canadian Lutheran Posts

March 1, 2010

Celebrate the richness of Canada!

by Stephen Chambers What a party! Obviously the world celebrated with us too, but most of all it was us Canadians who had a huge, world-class blast during the Vancouver Olympics. Never mind that most of us could only watch the Games on TV. The…

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Lutheran president asks church for prayers after Chile earthquake

February 27, 2010

Lutheran president asks church for prayers after Chile earthquake

WINNIPEG – Sorrow and concern fill our hearts as we try to absorb the news that a major earthquake has struck in Chile.  Though reports indicate this land was somewhat better prepared for the tragedy than were our friends in Haiti, the pictures of shattered…

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February 27, 2010

Vancouver-area churches learn valuable Olympic outreach lessons

RICHMOND, B.C. — Members of Trinity Lutheran in Richmond, B.C. learned an important lesson during the 2010 Winter Olympics. Outreach isn’t about filling the pews but about building relationships. “I don’t know if we’ll get new members, and I’ve come to learn that’s not the…

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Lutheran appeal for Haiti surpasses $1 million

February 25, 2010

Lutheran appeal for Haiti surpasses $1 million

WINNIPEG- The Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR) Appeal for Haiti has now raised just over $1 million. Launched on January 13, one day after a devastating 7.0 earthquake rocked Port-au-Prince and the surrounding area, the appeal has received an outpouring of support from across the…

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February 24, 2010

Was Tiger Woods' apology sincere?

by Michael Keith Was Tiger Woods’ apology for his indiscretions sincere? His public apology at a press conference generated a lot of discussion and debate. Some argue it was all about trying to fix his public image and repair the damage. Some think he seemed…

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One month after Haiti earthquake, Lutheran relief efforts are making a difference

February 21, 2010

One month after Haiti earthquake, Lutheran relief efforts are making a difference

WINNIPEG – Humanitarian relief efforts are well underway in Haiti thanks to mounting donations made by Lutherans from around the world. Since the January 12, magnitude-seven earthquake hammered the small Caribbean nation, killing more than 200,000 people, Lutheran- and Christian-aid agencies have taken the lead…

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