The Canadian Lutheran Posts
Canadian aid agency to provide first-hand update on Haiti relief
WINNIPEG – Almost nine months after an earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale devastated Haiti’s capital, Port-Au-Prince, Canadian Lutheran World Relief executive director, Robert Granke, will lead a Canadian group to examine and report on the progress of rehabilitation and rebuilding. Joining Mr. Granke on September 28…
Can you hear me now?
For people outside the church’s walls, even words like “sin” and “grace” have become foreign or at least difficult to understand. When we rely too heavily on such Christian jargon, or “church-ese” as it is sometimes called, we are in great danger of obscuring the Gospel of Christ. And while the story of salvation is profound, it surely need not be confusing.
Help shape Lutheran Church–Canada’s future
Every three years Lutheran Church–Canada circuits elect representatives from across Canada to make decisions about the direction of LCC’s mission and ministry. In 2011 the LCC Synodical Convention is scheduled for June 3-6 in Hamilton, Ontario. Delegates to the convention also elect a president, three vice-presidents and others who…
Founding seminary president called home
LINCOLN, Nebraska – The Lord called home the founding president of Concordia Lutheran Seminary, Edmonton, Rev. Dr. W. Theophilus “Ted” Janzow, on Saturday, August 21, 2010. Dr. Janzow was 91. He served as president of the Edmonton seminary from 1984-88. “When Dr. Janzow suggested a…
An opportunity to serve God’s people in Lutheran Church–Canada
When Lutheran Church–Canada restructured in 2002 it eliminated a number of elected boards and commissions. At Synod’s 2011 convention in Hamilton, June 3-6, delegates will elect a president, three vice-presidents and 18 people to serve on LCC’s Board of Directors, three Boards of Regents and…
Let the teaching begin!
Seminary classes in Odessa began September 1 for men preparing for the pastoral ministry in the Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Churches in Ukraine. Teaching the eight students is Rev. Dr. Norman Threinen, rector of the seminary and professor emeritus of Concordia Lutheran Seminary, Edmonton. The…