The Canadian Lutheran Posts
Benefit Plans focus groups heard and heeded
After holding sixteen focus groups in seven cities in four weeks attended by almost 200 people, the Worker Benefit Plans’ “2010 Listening Tour” ended in Winnipeg, Tuesday, May 18 with two final meetings. Both Winnipeg groups included members and employers participating on line. During the…
June conference focuses on intercultural congregations
In 2008, Canada welcomed almost 250,000 immigrants with almost 80 percent arriving from Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Pacific regions, and Central and South America. At the same time, Canada’s First Nations population increased at more than eight times the non-aboriginal rate and has…
Organization proposes changes to include more women
WINNIPEG — The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League–Canada (LWMLC) has developed a strategy with the potential to streamline operations at the zone level so the organization can better focus on mission goals and involve more women. Currently, many LWMLC members serve in leadership positions on several levels, and…
Cambodian church president’s message to fellow Lutherans
Dear all Lutheran brethren in the Lord, Greetings to you in the blessed name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus. I would like to share with you the very exciting and blessed moment of the LISA students’ graduation and ordination of Lutheran pastors in Cambodia….
Joint outlook on world outreach
WINNIPEG – Representatives from Lutheran Church–Canada and The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod met May 4-6 to discuss overseas missions. The agenda included areas of mutual interest and concern such as Central America and Southeast Asia. LCC President Robert Bugbee and mission executive Rev. Dr. Leonardo Neitzel met with…
Convention 2011 begins work
Meetings preparing for the ninth convention of Lutheran Church–Canada are already underway. Scheduled for the southern Ontario city of Hamilton, the convention will run from June 3-6, 2011. In early May, the convention’s Nominations Committee met by conference call to begin its work of identifying…