The Canadian Lutheran Posts

December 17, 2009

Trinity Richmond gearing up for Olympic outreach

RICHMOND, B.C. – A Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) congregation in metro Vancouver says it needs help welcoming the world to the February 2010 Winter Olympics. Ron Hindle, a deacon at Trinity, Richmond, said his church needs volunteers because it will run several outreach programs and is…

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December 16, 2009

Seminary education still a “lively concern”

WINNIPEG – Stakeholders in the deliberations and findings of LCC’s Task Force on Cost-efficient, Sustainable, Seminary Education can avoid an adversarial process by participating in “regular, candid discussions,” says the group’s chairman. “Even if the final recommendations of the task force do not meet with…

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December 14, 2009

Focus on education at December meetings

WINNIPEG – Two recent meetings centred around Lutheran Church–Canada’s higher education institutions and programs. President Robert Bugbee convened a meeting of the higher education Advisory Council Wednesday, December 9. The council includes the presidents of LCC’s seminaries and university college: Rev. Dr. Thomas Winger (CLTS,…

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December 14, 2009

Lutherans contribute to Brazilian society: seminary president

EDMONTON – Lutherans have contributed to Brazil’s socio-political-economic culture during the past 100-plus years, says a South American seminary president. Rev. Gerson Linden, director of Seminário Concórdia, São Leopoldo, Brazil, recently told students, faculty and friends of Concordia Lutheran Seminary, Edmonton, (CLS), that Lutherans have…

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December 7, 2009

Choir festival sends Advent across the ocean

WINNIPEG – More than 280 members of Red River Circuit congregations filled the pews and aisles at Saint James Lutheran Church Sunday, December 6 to celebrate Advent with music and to support LCC’s foreign student fund. Five choirs and two soloists brought the message of…

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December 2, 2009

Seizing of Bibles sparks fear of persecution

Malaysia – Authorities seized more than 15,000 Bibles in recent months because the Bibles used an Arabic word for God. Under Malaysian law, the word Allah is exclusive to Islam and may not be used by any other religion, including Christianity. The Bibles used the…

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