The Canadian Lutheran Posts

September 18, 2009

LCC pastor sets record for heaviest aircraft pull

CFB TRENTON, Ont.(Canadian Press) – A strongman from Cobourg, Ont., used some heavy duty muscle to set a Guinness record Thursday for the the heaviest aircraft pulled by an individual. Rev. Kevin Fast pulled a huge military CC-17 Globemaster 8.8 metres across the tarmac at…

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September 16, 2009

Mission executive installation

The Installation Service for LCC’s new mission executive, Rev. Dr. Leonardo Neitzel is scheduled for Sunday, October 4 at 3 p.m. (PT) at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Vancouver. LCC President Robert Bugbee will conduct the Rite of Installation. Local area pastors and congregation members are…

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September 16, 2009

LWML–Canada General Council prepares for the future

Beginning each day with Bible study, the new LWML–Canada General Council spent August 27-29, 2009 working through a strategic plan and determining ways to effectively fulfill that plan. They developed a belief statement and identified the league’s values. The group then re-wrote the organization’s mission…

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September 16, 2009

Seminary shares lecture series

The annual Timothy Lectures at Concordia Lutheran Seminary, Edmonton will be webcast Thursday, September 24. The presentations begin at 8 a.m. MT (10 ET) and conclude at 3 p.m. The lecturer this year is Rev. Bill Ney, pastor at St. Matthew’s Stony Plain, Alta. To…

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September 16, 2009

Talking to the heart

Have you ever wished you had Lutheran resources you could share with new Canadians in their native language, their ‘heart’ language? Lutheran Heritage Foundation has materials available in 66 languages. Check out for more information.

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September 16, 2009

LWMLC Sunday, October 4, 2009

For congregations using projector and screen for Divine Worship, LWML–Canada has prepared a three-minute video about the League’s activities that could be played on LWML–Canada Sunday. Download it from the list of LWML–Canada Sunday materials at

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