The Canadian Lutheran Posts

January 5, 2023

Celebrating Christmas in War-Torn Ukraine

UKRAINE – The local Odessa congregation of the Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Churches of Ukraine (SELCU) welcomed many visitors to worship in its chapel for Christmas. The festival day brought many people to “Christmas markets” in this southern Ukrainian metropolis on the Black Sea, and…

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January 4, 2023

Camp Lutherland is 90 years young!

QU’APPELLE, Sask. – Camp Lutherland, northwest of Fort Qu’Appelle, is an oasis of beauty in the Qu’Appelle Valley along Pasqua Lake, in the heart of Treaty 4 Territory. It is acres of green grass, rolling hills and a calm lakeshore that was purchased 90 years…

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January 4, 2023

St. Paul’s Cobourg purchases church building

COBOURG, Ont. – St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church celebrated Reformation Sunday on October 30, 2022, with an extra special celebration of thanksgiving for being able to purchase the church building from the East District’s church extension fund in July. A group picture was followed by…

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January 3, 2023

His Father’s Son: Jesus in the Temple

by Stephen Chambers It’s clear that the first two chapters of Luke’s Gospel are unique; that’s the place where we hear many of the stories that fill the Advent and Christmas seasons. What we sometimes overlook though is the special light that the last of…

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December 27, 2022

Three Days of Snow: One Christmas in Scotland

by Sylvia Das “I suppose you like this weather,” said one of the ladies at our small Scottish church, shaking the snow off her kerchief. “Yes,” I laughed. “It’s always nice to have snow on Christmas Eve.” As Canadians living on the outskirts of Glasgow,…

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December 21, 2022

Son of Man and Son of God: The Good News in Jesus’ Genealogy

by Jonathan Kraemer When a child is born, parents and others wonder: “What will you be like when you grow up?” or “I wonder how you will take after your mother? Your father?” or “Will you be similar to another relative?” When we ask questions…

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