The Canadian Lutheran Posts

July 16, 2009

A view of Canada’s religious communities

The National Post has launched a blog on Canada’s religious communities called Holy Post. The newspaper welcomes participation and comments at

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July 16, 2009

Is your congregation un-organized?

What can you do if you are without an organist and it’s time for worship? Share your story and register to win the Concordia Organist for your congregation. The Concordia Organist is a 31-CD set featuring every hymn from Lutheran Service Book beautifully played with…

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July 9, 2009

July conventions tackle issues and change

Two Lutheran Church–Canada auxiliary organizations will hold conventions back-to-back in July. Lutheran Women’s Missionary League–Canada (LWMLC) meets in Ottawa July 9-12 and the International Lutheran Laymen’s League (Int’l LLL) holds its annual convention in Greensboro, North Carolina July 15-19. Lutheran Church–Canada’s president, Rev. Robert Bugbee…

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July 8, 2009

More than a word of comfort

As Canada mourns the loss of soldiers killed in Afghanistan, military chaplains are called upon to provide comfort and counselling to grieving family members. In June, Lutheran Church–Canada chaplain, Captain Jason Kouri was assigned to provide pastoral care to the family of Cpl. Martin Dubé….

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July 8, 2009

Reflecting on the death of Michael Jackson

by Rich Docekal Michael Jackson’s death has touched millions. His music and to a lesser degree, his notoriety as a celebrity who never quite seemed at ease with himself, brought attention to this “song & dance man” across the globe. As I see the media’s…

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July 8, 2009

LCC benefits plan board hears good news

CALGARY – A more confident stock market is helping rebuild the funding short-fall in LCC’s pension plan according to a report from the plan’s consultants. Members of the Board of Managers heard the news at a meeting in Calgary, June 17-18. Despite this, the plan…

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