The Canadian Lutheran Posts
H1N1 response resources
Due to the international spread of the H1N1 virus, the World Health Organization has declared a level six pandemic. This designation is due to the presence of certain objective criteria with regard to the spread of the virus. Congregations should keep informed about local risks…
Ear to the ground
So far almost 200 people have told LCC what’s on their mind when it comes to what we do well and where we need to improve. Make your voice heard by going to If you completed a survey at a district convention, your response…
Planning for a VBS?
More than one-third of LCC congregations hold vacation Bible school in their communities. The key to success is not always just the number of children who attend, but how the congregation keeps in touch with their families. If your registration forms include an e-mail address,…
ABC convention focuses on outreach
During the ABC District convention, May 22-26, in Vancouver, B.C., delegates re-elected Rev. Donald Schiemann to a fourth term as district president. Also elected were vice-presidents Rev. Mark Ruf; Rev. Harry Haberstock; Rev. David Dressler. Board of Directors members include Judith Burns; Rev. Keith Haberstock;…
Tell us what you think!
During the three district conventions, every delegate, guest and visitor received a paper copy of a survey designed to help Lutheran Church–Canada understand the issues and concerns currently within the church. The survey is now online for anyone who is a member of an LCC…
Called to Glory
On Tuesday, May 26, the Lord called home Rev. Kwang Soo Kim of Surrey, B.C. Pastor Kim was serving Faith, Surrey and had faced a battle with cancer. His funeral is scheduled for Tuesday, June 2 at the church. In addition to serving on the…