The Canadian Lutheran Posts
Eastern seminary celebrates graduation
The annual Certification and Call Service of Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary, St. Catharines, will be Saturday, May 9 at 4 p.m. at Christ Lutheran Church, 140 Russell Ave., St. Catharines. Six men will be certified for ordination and two will receive their vicarage assignments. A…
Sing to the Lord en français
MONTREAL -A group of 40 Lutherans from five countries gathered in Montreal April 27-29 for an introductory workshop for Liturgies et Cantiques Luthériens , the first French-language hymnal for Lutherans in almost 30 years. A project of Lutheran Church–Canada pastors Dr. David Somers of Montreal…
LCC Convention Trail
Central District, Regina, Saskatchewan Tuesday, April 28, 2009 • More than 240 attend Opening Worship at Grace Lutheran Church, Monday, April 27 • LCC President Robert Bugbee preaches on Colossians 3:17 “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the…
Media seminar on line
What began as a regularly scheduled Thursday, March 26 convocation turned into an international online event at Concordia Lutheran Seminary, Edmonton. Thanks to the Internet, more than 70 people across Canada and the U.S., and another 20 in the classroom participated in the event. The…
Easter Services
LCC will run another ad on Facebook inviting people to attend Lutheran Church–Canada Easter services. To tell us your service times etc, go to THIS LINK. The ad begins running on April 1. The Christmas ad was seen more than 1.5 million times. The Easter…
LCC on the edge
For the first time, congregations can provide statistical information directly from their computer. By downloading a version of the Statistical Report program at the reporting is as simple as sending an e-mail. LCC’s electronic collection system is unique among those in LCMS and LCC…