The Canadian Lutheran Posts
Lifelong learning for pastors
Forms for continuing education support for pastors are online at LCC’s website
Sem series for lay persons
Concordia Lutheran Seminary’s Quest class will explore The Christian Life as Devotion beginning January 27 in Edmonton. Rev. Warren Steckelberg, former chaplain at the seminary and Concordia University College of Alberta, and pastor at St. Peter’s Historic Lutheran Church, will present four lectures that look…
Publisher responds to smaller congregations
Starter Kits for Gadget’s Garage, the 2009 Vacation Bible School from Concordia Publishing House, are now available. New for 2009, two kits “meet needs unique to groups of every size.” The traditional Starter Kit includes all leader resources—CDs, guides, and a Skit DVD. CPH’s new…
Kick the seminary tires
Do you know someone interested in becoming a pastor? He can spend an afternoon at Concordia Lutheran Seminary, Edmonton to learn how pastors are formed and prepared for service in LCC (and eat pizza). Saturday@theSem is March 7, 2009, noon to 5 p.m. RSVP to…
French hymnal introduction
You are invited to the Atelier d’Introduction on the content and use of the new French Lutheran Hymnal in Montreal, April 27-29, 2009. A grant from the Schwann Foundation will cover participants’ costs for two nights’ accommodation, the bilingual program and meals. Transportation is the…
Life issues resources
In the US, Life Sunday was observed January 18. In Canada, Life Sunday falls on Mother’s Day. If your church is looking for Life Sunday materials, please visit: Lutherans for Life has produced a number of sermons, Bible studies, and liturgical services that can…