The Canadian Lutheran Posts
Seeking Reconciliation: Your Role in Resolving Church Conflict
NOTE: This article addresses the kind of conflicts which sometimes occur in the church in the course of everyday life. It doesn’t address more serious issues like abuse. If you are the victim of abuse or another serious situation, please contact appropriate civil and church…
100 Years of Faithful Service
ATIKOKAN, Ont. – Faith Lutheran Church in Atikokan recently acknowledged two dedicated servants for their combined years of service. Rev. Keith Blom has faithfully served as a pastor for 40 years, since his ordination in 1982, and is still bringing Word and Sacrament to congregations…
PMC and boards of LCC seminaries meet, initial summary and commitments
Joint PMC-CLS-CLTS initial summary and commitments CANADA – The President’s Ministry Council (PMC) and the boards of Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC)’s two seminaries met February 14-15, 2023, at Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary in St. Catherines, Ontario for a time of prayerful discussion about issues facing our…
Demographics is destiny?
by David Haberstock Many of you grew up in or lived through the Baby Boom—all those babies born post-war between 1946 and 1964. In 1964, the birth rate plummeted (about nine months after Kennedy’s assassination, though it had been declining before that). Culture began talking…
Walking together
BURLINGTON, Ont. – The first weekend in November held on to the beautiful fall weather Southern Ontario saw in the month of October. And, with grateful hearts for the good weather and opportunity for fellowship, over 50 members of various Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) East Region…
The Church is the Body of Christ: We are the Body of Christ
by Edward Kettner What do we mean when we refer to the Church as “the body of Christ”? That phrase occurs in several places in the New Testament. The phrase can simply mean the physical body of Jesus which was laid in the tomb, though…