The Canadian Lutheran Posts

September 19, 2022

New Reinhardt poem “For my Queen”

KURTZVILLE, Ont. – Rev. Kurt E. Reinhardt, hymnwriter and pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Kurtzville, Ontario has written a new poem For my Queen as our nation mourns our late Queen Elizabeth II, who was called home to glory on September 8, 2022. The beginnings of…

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September 13, 2022

New Ukraine update from SELCU pastor, aid fund update from LCC

UKRAINE – The following letter was written by Rev. Sergey Bevz, pastor of Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC)’s partner church the Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Churches in Ukraine (SELCU): Dear friends in Christ, Although Ukraine has had to endure many hardships these past few months, we also…

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September 8, 2022

A letter from LCC’s President upon the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

A letter from Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC)’s President Timothy Teuscher upon the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II: “But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope….

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September 7, 2022

Young adults’ retreat

WINKLER, Man. – On Pentecost weekend, June 3-5, 2022, the young adults group at Trinity Lutheran Church in Winkler held a retreat on the theme “It’s Biblical?!”, exploring and discussing right and wrong ways to understand and use the Scriptures, especially focusing on dealing with…

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September 6, 2022

The Open Door

by Robert Mohns Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut. I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept My Word and have not denied My name. | Revelation 3:8b The open…

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September 1, 2022

We Value Grace

  by Timothy Teuscher At this past June’s synod convention, information on the proposed Strategic Framework for Lutheran Church–Canada was presented, which includes a number of value statements that inform and direct who we are and undergird what we strive to do in our walk…

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