The Canadian Lutheran Posts

August 10, 2022

Dual parish holds Ukraine Day

STRATFORD, Ont. – The dual parish of 1st St. John’s, Seebach’s Hill and 2nd St. John’s, Wartburg, held a Ukraine Information Day on March 20, 2022. The membership in both churches were very distressed with the destruction there, which aroused a deep desire to help….

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August 10, 2022

Regina congregation helps feed the hungry

REGINA – On May 17, members of New Beginnings Lutheran Church cooked up supper for people in need. Congregation members volunteered at Souls Harbour Rescue Mission, where they prepared a meal of shepherd’s pie. More than 300 people were fed through their work. The congregation…

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August 8, 2022

Standing Together

by Mathew Block In June, Lutheran Church–Canada held its synodical convention, our first national gathering since the decision to restructure in 2017. I’ve been asked by several people how the convention went, and my repeated refrain has been: “Joyful!” One of the blessings of our…

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August 5, 2022

Now what?

by Marvin Bublitz Now what? That is a question that often gets asked when life happens. A young couple finds out they are expecting a newborn… now what? How do we prepare? What needs to be done? Who do we tell? The doctor calls you…

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August 4, 2022

On Vocatio

by James Gimbel The Latin vocare often refers to a naming or calling. From this root, we get the word vocatio (or “vocation”), which describes God’s call for His creation to serve Him with a distinct mission and purpose.  All of creation has a vocatio Psalm…

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July 26, 2022

Is it all worth it? 2.0 — Reflections on three and a half years

by David Haberstock In January 2019, the second phase of Lutheran Church–Canada’s new structure rolled out as the District corporations stopped providing ecclesiastical oversight and three newly elected Regional Pastors took up the task. In my first column as Regional Pastor, I asked, “Is all this…

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